Feminine gamification viewpoint: Crocodile skin

One of my personal favourite role models for women is Christine Lagarde, who heads up the International Monetary Fund.  She comes across as very feminine, yet at the same time very intelligent and well balanced when talking about strategy and work. In an interview she gave, she mentioned that in order to get to the top in any profession women need to for some time have skin as thick as a crocodile, before they are fully respected. I concur with her hope that this is changing.

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She points out in the interview ultimately values differ between men and women, which is also what I have been pointing out when looking at designing gamification for inclusion and behaviour change. Behaviours are a reflection of our values hence the importance of understanding the differences early on. As always my advice remains to keep involving ladies as well as gentlemen in every step of your development, to ensure complete engagement.

What have you done lately to be inclusive in your gamification design?

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