Feminine gamification viewpoint: Inspiring 50

Role models are an essential part of encouraging a new generation to take a specific path for their career or business or development. The Inspiring 50 project looks for 50 inspiring women from around Europe in the technology sector. The project is in it’s 2nd year and originally started at a TEdx event in Amsterdam in 2013. Nominations came in from all over Europe and this year 17 came from the UK, which is quite an achievement. With the tech industry high on the agenda in the UK and growing, combined with market size in comparison to other countries, it is also not entirely surprising.

In previous blog posts under this theme I have pointed out the need for role models in driving gamification, as well as female leaders in business in general. Well I have to say, having spent a bit of time reading each and everyone of the profiles of the 50th women that I am a little awestruck and definitely inspired. If you ever doubted girl power in the technology, these ladies have definitely made a dent in the gender divide if you ask me.

All 50 ladies are coming together today in Downing Street 1 for a roundtable event and I have to say, I would love to be eavesdropping on that dinner conversation.

What is great to see is the mix of companies these inspiring ladies represent from small to multinational to government agencies. The track record of the ladies is impressive though most are well educated, have started multiple ventures or earned career experience at a variety of well known brand names, being a company director and CEO is often also on the curriculum, awards, as well as actively working on changing the dynamic of women in the technology space or mentoring ladies to take the next step.

This is definitely an initiative to tap into, if you run our of drive. I have bookmarked the site so I can top up on my motivational levels every so often when faced with challenges, because in life they are in fact normal, it’s how we deal with them that matters. I urge you to go and check out the ladies and their profiles and top up your own inspiration on the Inspiring 50 website.

Here is one inspiring lady to get you started:

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Who is your role model for your career?

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