Gamification Mechanic Monday: Chat

We probably have all tried out chat functions on Skype, Facebook or other systems. The whole idea is to be available for one-to-one interaction either to clarify something for a potential customer or to answer questions. When your business is primarily online, I would say being available for one-to-one support is an added bonus. Most web-business owners don’t have this function enabled.

If you are a traditional business, do you encourage clients to engage with you one-to-one at any point? When you are building an experience, engagement one-to-one allows you learn what your clients really want and also what they may find more difficult. In my coaching practice we often had a coffee online time or coffee face-to-face time as part of the follow-up chat to make sure clients were consistently on track towards their goals. Very often the coffee was enough to keep them on track.

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Where will you make time in your business to generate one-to-one chat with customers or employees?

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