Gamification Mechanic Monday: Equipment

In most games you have the changes to earn access to equipment that will help you complete the next level or enable faster progress or improvement of some kind. The way to look at it in my view is to think of the superpowers of a superhero, when they are activated they can achieve a lot more than the ordinary mortal. In a Harry Potter movie his special Quidditch broom was a good example of equipment that could help to complete a task faster. This is a gamification mechanic that will add extra spice to your process and can introduce the surprise additional fun factor that makes progress a little easier or rewarding.

In e-learning design I have used this technique with the wise owl popping up to assist with clues as you explore your way through course materials. Completing a quiz at times may allow you to fast-track and only complete what is most relevant. It can be finding the key that unlocks an additional source of information, which stands to you or an additional level in a process that allows you to make more decisions. Conceptually this may not sound like equipment, but if the tool helps you move faster and progress further you could assume this to be equipment to help complete the process.

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What equipment can you introduce to your gamification?

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