Gamification stuff we love: Funifier 

A few weeks ago I and the privilege of receiving a demonstration of  the Funifier gamification platform. The guys from Funifier,  a Canadian/Brazilian gamification platform provider, basically took over my website with a simple move and showed me how I could turn on quests, set challenges, encourage people to open certain pages or posts etc. Their platform works with websites, internal software and even machines thanks to clever interfaces based on arduino and html 5.

I loved the simplicity with which you could switch on gamified elements basically thanks to a few clicks of a button in the studio part of the platform. It allows the administrator to turn on functionality rapidly and deploy as much or as little gamification as desired and to test various elements for it’s impact. We from a designers perspective definitely love this functionality, where you can gradually turn on more and extend the reach of gamification across a business process. We also see a high value in running small pilot tests to make sure the concept works and all customer or employees interacting with your business discover new ways of engaging.

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Funifier have some exciting developments in the pipeline for the second release, which we are told will come out any time now. Because we loved what we saw, we have become partners with Funifier for Europe, which will allow us to offer extended gamification solutions to our clients.

Here is article, which pitches Funifier against some of the other (bigger) players in the industry:

If this has peaked your interest, contact us and we will be delighted to talk to you about what is possible for your organisation thanks to our partnership with Funifier. We would be thrilled to demo it on your systems, so just ask us for it!

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