Gamification stuff we love: Wimble

Managing time has always been one of my interest points both professionally and personally. For years I have gamified my own time management and on average achieved a lot more that way. We even have an online gamified work life balance program where I have condensed a lot of the experiences from me and my clients which gives steps and games to achieve your balance. One of the future projects I had in mind was to develop an app to accompany some of the things I suggest.

So when the people from Wimble posted information about their app in a gamification group on Facebook, I checked out there offering to see if finally someone had created something similar to my line of thinking. I have to say based on the information in screenshots, their youtube clips and the crowd funding appeal on Indiegogo I am happily impressed:

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The way I have always managed to finish tasks and projects is by setting rewards for completion chosen usually by importance and significance for me. If the task was particularly difficult or something I don’t like doing then the rewards would be higher for the random smaller things smaller rewards applied. It is is good to see these rewards built into the app, what I would love to be able to do is increase the rewards size based on my criteria.

Wimble also gives you a diary which can be synchronised with all your devices and allows online and offline tracking. I have on a number of occasions tried to work with the iPhone calendar, but having lost all data once or twice and the necessity to enter things easily, I have always resorted back to a paper month by view type calendar, so I am silently hoping that the calendar function in Wimble will be easy to manage and available on all my devices with easy saving.

Based on the information provided I added my contribution to the crowd funding camping, because I genuinely liked what I saw and I will be contributing to their development when possible.

What do you find most important for success in your time management?


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