Gamification Mechanic Monday: In-Game Currency

Some games have created their own in game earning and payment currency, which allows you to buy something of value for the game. The biggest example of this was 2nd Life where you could take up a virtual job and earn Linden Dollars, which also enabled you then to buy land and enhance your virtual world experience.

In business companies have developed internal currencies which can often be spent on additional benefits such as time off or better priced company products, for example at Google employees can earn and spend Goobles.

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The use of virtual currency can enhance a brand extension towards employees and when you let employees save up towards items they actually want then that helps with employee engagement. I would even say for clients it would be possible to earn in-game currency for as long as they are part of your game. Avios points in the frequent flyer program from British Airways allows you to spend on flights as well as products and services offered to members only.

We have been toying with virtual currency, but we are struggling to come up with a good name…Nattie Dollars anyone? Better suggestions all welcome 🙂 What do you think we should call the Gamification Nation virtual currency?

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